Confessions of a Rocket Scientist
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
  Pictures of my Rockets
Somebody asked me to put up some pictures of my rockets. Okay, here's a few, as they appear on the PARA website.

This is a picture of my LOC Graduator lifting off. This is a veteran of many flights.

This is my V2 sport scale model. This is a nice performer. On this flight it recovered near the highway and I arrived just in time to see somebody trying to make off with it! He claimed that he had no idea that it belonged to somebody! Yeah. Right.

Another shot of my LOC graduator, this time flying with a Dark Star motor.

I'll put up some more pictures later.
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The continuing story of a man, his hobby, and the search for a really good cup of coffee.

"The first cup of coffee in the morning recapitulates Phylogeny." -J. Pournelle

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Location: Quakertown, Pennsylvania, United States

Two time cancer survivor, happily married, LaSalle Alumnus

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